Bristol Caravans and Motorhomes

Workshop at Bristol Caravans

Top 5 tips for maintaining your Caravan & Motorhome

You have just bought a new Caravan / Motorhome and want to make the most of it. Do not worry, we are here to make sure you are maintaining and making the most, during the ownership of your pride and joy. Here are the Top 5 Tips for you to maintain your Caravan / Motorhome: 1. Make sure you book into a trusted workshop for your annual services! For you caravan owners it is important to book a service every year, ensuring all the water, gas, electrics, brakes, chassis, and A frame hitch assembly are checked thoroughly. Not only does […]

Damp repairs

How to avoid DAMP in your Caravan or Motorhome!

Nobody wants to come back to their Caravan or Motorhome after the winter break to see a damp patch. Although it is hard to identify when water ingress is happening, we have some helpful tips to prevent damp in your vehicle. How does damp occur in my Caravan or Motorhome? The three stages of damp to be aware of: This is caused by damp air being trapped in a cupboard or room. The visual effects are mould on the walls or inside cupboards. This is the main cause of Damp! Potentially coming from sealant failure, for example sealant cracking around […]

Why is there Water leaking underneath my Caravan / Motorhome?

You have arrived on site, switched on your water pump and now water is leaking from underneath your Caravan or Motorhome. Where is the leak coming from? It is most likely coming from your drain valve! Your drain valve allows for excess water to escape the Caravan / Motorhome. You would most commonly open the valve when draining down for the winter period. Find out why this is important on our ‘Winterisation’ post. Where is the drain valve in my Caravan / Motorhome? Look under your sofa cushions, at the bottom of the wardrobe, bottom cupboards, and underneath the bed. […]

What is my ATC light indicating?

What does the AL-KO ATC light do on my Caravan? Do you ever feel your Caravan moving side to side on a long journey? Worried you can’t control it whilst driving? Don’t worry, this is exactly what your ATC is for! What is an ATC? An ATC light, also known as the Automatic Trailer Control, is the AL-KO anti-snaking device. The point of the ATC is to assist the driver should the caravan encounter strong winds, overtaking, or sudden braking traffic. How does the ATC work? The ATC tracks movement. Once a considerable movement is detected, the ATC automatically applies […]

Lost Wheel Syndrome: Caravan Wheel Detachment

At Bristol Caravans we have heard a lot about caravan wheel loss over the years. And from time to time we are asked for more details on the subject when we recommend WSL wheel bolts. The following may be seen by some in the caravan industry as controversial, so I preface the following by saying this is the view of Bristol Caravans (ACORNCO LTD), and is shared in the interest of improving safety within the caravan community – Without Prejudice. We hope caravan owners adopt the recommendations at the end of this article to improve road safety. We hope caravan […]