Bristol Caravans and Motorhomes

EICR safety check

230v PIR EICR Top Tips

The Periodic Inspection Report (PIR) is a specific set of tests completed on the 230v (mains electric) system within your leisure vehicle (caravan, motorhome, campervan), by a trained / competent person. Once completed a Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR) is issued, in this article we refer to this service as the PIR EICR 230v safety check. The PIR EICR 230v safety check is standard, industry wide, and includes a series of tests / checks of the 230v mains electrical wiring, switches and appliances within your caravan, motorhome or campervan. The repeat time period for a caravan, motorhome or campervan is […]

Damp repairs

How to avoid DAMP in your Caravan or Motorhome!

Nobody wants to come back to their Caravan or Motorhome after the winter break to see a damp patch. Although it is hard to identify when water ingress is happening, we have some helpful tips to prevent damp in your vehicle. How does damp occur in my Caravan or Motorhome? The three stages of damp to be aware of: This is caused by damp air being trapped in a cupboard or room. The visual effects are mould on the walls or inside cupboards. This is the main cause of Damp! Potentially coming from sealant failure, for example sealant cracking around […]

Electrical Safety Check

Caravan Electrial Safety Check

EICR Safety Test – What every owner should know! The electrical installation condition report (EiCR) identifies damage, deterioration and defects which may cause danger within your Caravan, Motorhome or Camper van. It is a safety check of the 230v mains electrical wiring, switches, and appliances in your Caravan, Motorhome or Camper van. Bristol Caravans are trained, qualified and have the correct kit to complete this important safety check. What is included in a EiCR? The testing process involves the wiring and accessories undergoing several, and rigorous, electrical tests using: Problems discovered during the inspection and test can be remedied, or recommendations given to […]

Why do I keep tripping at the post?

Overloading your Caravan / Motorhomes Electrics  There are two ways you can trip the electrics,1. Overloading2. You have an Earth Fault The last thing you want to do on holiday is trip your electrics, and potentially your neighbours! To avoid this, keep reading for our helpful tips and advice on your Caravan or Motorhomes electrics. Overloading – What does it mean to overload your electrics? By overloading the 230v system in your vehicles electrics, this means the appliances your using are trying to take more power than the system is designed to handle, causing a trip. This kind of trip […]