Bristol Caravans and Motorhomes

What are the benefits of a Lithium Battery?

CTEK Lithium Battery

What does a leisure battery do?

The leisure battery will power all 12v appliances including your lighting, and water pump! Your habitation 12v system needs to be above 11 volts for appliances to work.

Benefits of a Lithium Battery

  • Half the weight of a lead-acid or AGM battery
  • Higher voltage capacity
  • More power efficient
  • Flexible mounting position (upside down, on its side…)

Maintenance of a Lithium Leisure Battery

Lithium batteries require little maintenance. Simply remove after a season and store in a cool place, out of direct sunlight. Ensure it is left at a minimum of 50% charge. It is not a requirement out of season to keep the battery on charge.

Unlike other batteries Lithium (Li-on) batteries can re-charge hundreds of times and remain stable.

Need help choosing the right battery?

If you can email us a list of appliances in your caravan, motorhome, or camper van, we can estimate the power needed for your caravan and recommend battery options.

If you are considering a new Habitation Battery, please give us a call with your vehicle’s Make, Model, Age, and information on the current Leisure Battery fitted.

Want to find out more about Lithium, visit our Lithium Top Tip article.

Call today on 01454 612893