Bristol Caravans and Motorhomes

Winterisation drain down

How Do I Drain Down My Caravan, Motorhome or Campervan?

Why are we talking about drain down, does it really matter? Yes it does, this article is about “draining the fresh water” out of your caravan, motorhome, campervan. This is usually undertaken at the end of the season, before you store your vehicle for a long period. If water is left in the system, as weather temperatures drop, water can freeze in your taps. As water freezes, it expands! If teaspoon of water was to expand in your tap, the tap could split. A split tap usually means a new tap, a repair you want to avoid. The cost could be […]

motorhome cambelt

Motorhome and Campervan Cambelt Replacement: A Complete Overview including What, How, When, and Top Tips

Engines have internal parts, and many of these parts need to be connected. One of the Mechanisms is the timing assembly, parts (example: Crankshaft, Camshaft, Water Pump) are usually connected via a chain or a belt. If you have a Cambelt system, you will need to plan and budget for its replacement. What is a Cambelt? The Cambelt is a toothed belt that connects key parts within the engine, it ensures the internal components are synchronised and do not touch each other whilst the engine is running. Some engines have a Camchain, rather than a belt, chains generally last the […]

Lost Wheel Syndrome: Caravan Wheel Detachment

At Bristol Caravans we have heard a lot about caravan wheel loss over the years. And from time to time we are asked for more details on the subject when we recommend WSL wheel bolts. The following may be seen by some in the caravan industry as controversial, so I preface the following by saying this is the view of Bristol Caravans (ACORNCO LTD), and is shared in the interest of improving safety within the caravan community – Without Prejudice. We hope caravan owners adopt the recommendations at the end of this article to improve road safety. We hope caravan […]